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Knoxville, TN JUly 14th-15th, 2017. July 14th-15th, 2017 Knoxville, TN. The Nations longest running 7v7 Tournament. For youth and Middle School TEams. WE Provide the Jerseys, You provide the Players. Coach must submit the following forms for all participants. Release of Liability for each player. Media Release for each player. Birth certificates for all players. School Teams do not need.
Custom Logos, Sizes and Colors.
Competitive Fencing Club of East Tennessee. Welcome to Smoky Mountain Fencing. We are a three weapon competitive fencing club located in Knoxville, Tennesee. Smoky Mountain Fencing is happy to announce that we are moving our location. Starting Tuesday April 2nd, SMF will be located at the Fuse SportsPlex off of Papermill Road in Knoxville! We are working on updating this webpage - but to be kept up to date, please also follow us on our Facebook Page. SMF Featured in Knoxville News Sentinel. Private Registrant
Robb Wilson
2620 Willow Point Way
Knoxville, Tennessee, 37931
United States
History of J and L. Detailed information on our team and their responsibilities is on the staff page on this website. All trucks are equipped with state of the art communication devices for safe and complete dis.
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